Thursday, May 26, 2011

Chicken. It's for Dinner.

I'm just gonna cut to the chase. I'm hungry. I was hungry, I mean.

Grab some olive oil, some garlic powder, some Parmesan cheese, some cream of chicken soup, some noodles (any will do, but I like the Rotini. Mostly, I just like saying that word). Oh, and chicken! Sort of necessary.

While my water was boiling for the noodles and my chicken was thawing in the microwave, I mixed everything else together. That's your first step. Mix the whole can of soup plus 1/3 a cup of water. Also, shred some P-cheese. It don't matter how much. Just do it, ya hear? And 1/8 of a teaspoon of garlic powder. I just kind of poured some in there; who measures things?

I call this picture: 'The Angry Chicken Breast'.

Some of us college students get stuck in a cycle. It's a vicious cycle. It's a cycle that doesn't involve very much sleep and that DOES involve an awful lot of statistics. And by statistics, I don't mean 59% of the time I do X, and 41% of the time I do Y. No, no. I mean, I'm busy calculating chi squares and figuring out the null hypothesis all whilst listening to my professor think she's having a heart attack that turns out to be just gas. I'm serious. All of this at 8:30 in the morning. So I will have a cup of coffee out of a giraffe mug when I damn well please.

It's a cycle.

Once you brown the chicken, you pour your mixture (that sort of looks like ...well, nevermind) over the top. Bring it to a boil. I don't know how crucial that part is.I mean, I did it. But if you're in a hurry, it probably isn't a huge deal. I'm totally making that up. Once it has boiled, put a lid on it and let it simmer softly to itself for five minutes. You can use this time to sing to yourself or listen to Justin Bieber if the mood suits you. Sometimes it just does.

Here's my pasta. It's not a lot. I don't need a lot of carbs at 6pm. I'm not going to go on a run. So I didn't make that many noodles. You can make as many as you want. I'm not going to judge you.

Once it's all finished, I liked to put my chicken on the bed of noodles. OH, I steamed some green beans too. I wanted to balance it out you know. Trying to be healthy. Those noodles are whole grain, by the way. If you get a chance to make it, I'd encourage it. It was definitely delicious. I'm sort of into alliteration right now.

Apple + PB + Granola + Chocolate

Get ready.

Hold onto your pants.

Or take them off, even better.

I'm about to ROCK your WORLD.

But first, get an apple. And a spoon.

Carve out the middle of your apple, like so. Side note: it REALLY helps if you have a bigger apple. My apple was a "schoolboy" apple. So basically it was really small. It just sort of creates an unnecessary barrier to the taste explosion I was desiring. Get a big apple, okay?

Once you've hollowed out your apple, grab a jar of peanut butter. Grab a box of granola. Grab a bag of M&Ms. There's no proportions for this recipe. Basically, take some peanut butter and stick it in the apple, then put some granola in, then throw a few M&Ms in. Try your best to mix it up (it's sort of hard, just fyi).

But then you get this. THIS. BEHOLD. THIS SNACK DESERVES ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Then you sort of just start at the top and eat it downwards, like a regular apple. OMG, as Usher would say. This is the snack that the angels eat. Unless they're allergic to peanut butter. Then they don't go anywhere near this snack.

Like my roommate.

A Lesson in Lentils

I'm going to give you a lesson in lentils. It's not a big deal. Lentils are one of God's small gifts to humanity. Only problem is, most of humanity hasn't discovered it. Lentils are so good for you. And they're SO filling. It's like, you eat some lentils, and then, you're full. Forever.

Perhaps an exaggeration.

I decided I'd make lentils for dinner because they just sounded delicious, and I'm pretty much on this new kick where everything I make has to be able to be eaten with the Sriracha sauce. Because you know, I'm sort of obsessed. So lentils. But I didn't want just lentils. So I grabbed the onion, because it was there and it spoke to me. It said, "Grab me."

So I chopped it up. Shed a tear. I put some olive oil in a pan and heated it up SUPER hot. Because I like it hot. The hotter the better.

While the onion was sautee-ing, I boiled some water. That's what you have to do in order to cook lentils. I bet you don't even KNOW how to cook lentils. Unless you're one of my sisters and you're reading this (Hi!). They know how to cook lentils.

I measured the lentils. Recently I'm all about portions. This is a double serving, but since it was going to be the primary part of my meal (save the onions!), I decided to up the ante and make twice as much. Lentils expand, so even though that doesn't look like a lot, it's quite the meal.

If you want to eat a cherry while your lentils are boiling for 20 minutes and your onions are cooking, I'm not going to stop you. As you can see, I can hardly stop myself.

The end result was a bowl of lentils mixed with deliciously sauteed onions. Of course, I drowned it in Sriracha. This is completely optional. If you feel like crying, then do it. If you don't feel like crying, I'd just walk away. But I'm just saying, the meal might be a little not as full of taste if you don't. You gotta add something to give it a kick or you probably won't enjoy it.

Don't forget your water.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Thrown Together Meal #1.

So tonight I had a problem. My problem? No idea what to cook for dinner. Zero ideas. So then I opened the fridge and pulled these puppies out.

Onion, ginger, garlic, Parmesan cheese, olive oil, and steak pieces. Oh the endless opportunities that suddenly awaited my culinary decisions. I decided to wing it.

I diced up 1/4 of a white onion, 1 clove of garlic, and a couple strips of ginger. I threw them into a little bit of olive oil over high heat to heat those little suckers up.

Once they were smelling delicious, I added the strips on top. No real art to it, you just kind of make sure none of them are overlapping too much. I guess it is art.

While they were brewing, I grated some fresh Parmesan. Seriously, fresh Parmesan > Parmesan from a tub/bag. It's simple math.

Once again, grabbed some medlied lettuce and spread it ever so around the plate.

I decided I wasn't going to use regular salad dressing for this dinner. Instead I was going to drizzle this lovelyness on top. My eyes were already watering from the anticipation of how spicy it would get. Oh yeah, and I threw some ground black pepper on top of the meat once it had cooked for a little bit. Forgot that.

The finished product. SO delicious. SO spicy. SO many tears. SO not enough tissues for all of this.

Don't forget your water. Milk would be a wise choice too.

1/4 of a white onion, diced
1 clove of garlic, diced
A couple slices of ginger, diced
Grated Parmesan (as much as desired)
Sriracha sauce

Monday, May 23, 2011

Typical College Meal #1.

Get ready to encounter THEE most basic meal I've ever shown you (keeping in mind I've shown you one meal and one enduring snack/dessert/light meal).

Tonight I was wondering what I'd make. I just went to the store, so really my options were limitless. Except for one thing. I wanted some peas. Sometimes, I just get cravings. Tonight, I needed some peas. Lucky for me, I had some available.

I threw a chicken breast into a frying pan and doused it in pepper. Again, with the throwing, I know. Just try and stay with me. I then grabbed the can opener, as many college students will do. I then opened a can.

A can of what?

A can of refried beans! With jalapeños! I know, you're getting excited. Can you imagine how excited I was!? I almost started sweating I was so excited. I was really having a mo.

So while the chicken was sizzlin' and the beans were a heatin' in a saucepan and the peas were being steamed, I sort of just stood there and wondered what to do about my statistics homework. Then the smoke detector went off. So I opened a window and cursed silently because my ears were about to bleed. Not really, that would be a serious problem. If that ever happens to you I would get that checked out stat!

Final result. MOUNTAIN OF PEAS. I know, I wouldn't expect you to want that many, but I love peas, as previously stated. After I took this, I remembered that I just bought a bottle of Sriracha. Oh you don't know what that is? Here, child. Lets just say by the end of the meal, I was in tears. Good tears. Enjoy.

Fruit Salad a la Kendall

When I got home from Spanish today, I thought to myself, "Tengo hambre.". And then I thought to myself, "why am I thinking in Spanish?". And THEN I thought to myself, "Quiero las frutas. Quiero las frutas muy, muy deliciosas.". And then I proceeded to think to myself, "WHAT IS HAPPENING IN MY BRAIN RIGHT NOW.". And finally, I thought to myself, "Silencio. Voy a la cocina, rapidamente." So I did. And this is what I grabbed out of my refrigerator:

That's two apples, two kiwis, a pineapple, some strawbs, and a bag o' cherries. While cherries are delicious and nutritious, I promptly put them back in the fridge after this picture was taken. I just wasn't in the mood to pit every single one of them, ya know? Do you feel me? I feel me.

So I started with the apples. Why? I don't know. You could start with any fruit you wanted to. I like apples. They're my second favorite fruit. Want to know what my favorite fruit is? I'll tell you in a minute. HEY! No scrolling down to find my answer. That's cheating. Be patient.

Then I cut up the kiwi. Have you ever eaten the skin? I have. I didn't today, I haven't eaten the skin in like, 10 years. But it's really not THAT bad. Like if I was stuck on a deserted island and all I had to eat were kiwi skins, I would be okay. I don't know if you would be okay, but I would be fine.

Then I decided it was the strawberries' turn. Something about slicing strawberries always makes me think of this delicious cake that I make. Maybe I'll showcase it for you. Maybe I won't. Hint: I probably will. In a couple weeks, to be precise. I know you'll be waiting with bated breath for that. Hush now, cut your strawberries.

Then I got to cut up the pineapple. Notice how I "got" to do this. Most people don't like cutting pineapple. It's a cumbersome and slightly annoying chore. Especially if you have any cuts on your hands/fingers. Lucky for me, I don't have any. Today. I LOVE cutting pineapple. 1) Because it's my favorite fruit (Bingo), and 2) I really like the fact that I have a legitimately sharp knife to cut it with. It really makes it an enjoyable task. Until you almost slice your finger off. I don't want to talk about it.

Then you throw it all together and mix it up like an iced drink. It should look a little something like the above picture. If it doesn't, I don't know what you did wrong. This recipe couldn't be anymore basic. I'm not saying this to dishearten you. I'm saying this to ... encourage future fruit salad making, because honestly it ain't that hard partner. I believe in you. And so does my roommate. She doesn't know that she believes in you, but she does. Trust me.

- 2 apples
- 2 kiwis
- 1 package of strawberries
- 1 whole pineapple

- Cut up all fruit. Eat some whilst cutting. Put it all in bowl. Give it a toss. Put it in your mouth. Put more in your mouth. Put even more in your mouth. Look like my hamster for a minute. Swallow, repeat.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ginger Steak Salad

Okay, first official post. Not technically. I don't want to deal with technicalities, so from here on out we won't use them. Fair warning!

What we have for you today, my sweet children, is a Ginger Steak Salad.
This beautiful, delicate, soul uplifting recipe comes from Ree Drummond (I'm like 80% sure her last name is Drummond). However, I did alter the recipe just a little bit. Anyway, she is also known as "the Pioneer Woman". You may find her here.

Shall we continue?

Here's what you're going to need for the steak's marinade:

In case you can't see, that's brown sugar, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, olive oil, and garlic. And obviously a steak of some kind. I like to use this kind:

I like it because it's already cut up and ready to go. Plus I'm not making this for 39,199 people. Just for myself. Mostly because my roommate doesn't eat green food. More for me though. Anyway, what you're going to do is throw all them there marinade ingredients together (don't worry, I'm putting the measurements at the end of the post! Calm down! Breathe!).

Throw it all into a Ziploc bag. You could put it all in a bowl. You could put it all in a box. You could put it all in a dish. But a Ziploc bag is practical. So college. Just throw it in a Ziploc bag, okay? It will calm me. Anyway, let them there marinade marinate your steak for at least 30 minutes. I stress. At least. A couple hours would be optimal, but you can't always get what you want. But you can try.

Let us move on. While your steak is marinating, you're gonna want to get going on that salad dressing. I labeled the items for you in case you were having trouble identifying. Hey. I could show 10 college kids that hunk of ginger and I bet you maybe (MAYBE!) half of them would be able to identify it. So I label. You're also going to need the olive oil and the soy sauce (but I was a silly sausage and already put it away) AND you may want a jalapeño (but I was a silly sausage and forgot to pick one up at the store, facepalm).

Look, I even took a picture of the olive oil and the soy sauce, because I wanted to show you that even though I forgot them in the above picture, I'm still a half decent person. I swear. So anyway, throw all those ingredients together and give them a little bit of a stir. I used a spoon. You could use a whisk. Or a fork. Or your finger, I wouldn't judge you. Sometimes all the dishes are dirty and your finger is right there.

So once your steak has been sufficiently bathed, toss some olive oil into a pan and heat 'er right up. Make sure it's hot. Some like it hot. That was a movie reference, sorry probably inappropriate and ill-timed. Just put your steak in the frying pan okay?

While your steak is sizzlin', you could grab a bowl (or a plate, who am I to make tableware decisions for you?). Take some lettuce. I like a nice lettuce medley, as pictured above. I like to keep myself guessing. I threw in a couple croutons and baby tomatoes because I like the way they taste. I think they both bring a lot to the table. Really charismatic salad garnishes in my opinion.

Because steak takes a mo to sizzle, I suggest you grab some green onions and give them a good old chop chop. Or just one chop. Sometimes I like to repeat words because I think it gives them a more dramatic effect. Sometimes I'm just really weird. I'm going to ask you once to disregard the pineapple in this picture. Much to your dismay, it has absolutely nothing to do with this recipe. That's my b. (Translation, because I realize you may not be 21 years old, my b = my bad. And just a mo or it takes a mo = moment. I also tend to shorten my words ALL THE TIME. I get the vibe that you're smart enough to figure it out). So just chop the green onions okay? We don't have time for all this chatting.

When the steak looks like it's cooked to perfection, please turn the burner off. For the sake of not overcooking the steak and for the sake of not burning down your home. I wouldn't want to be responsible for either. Especially overcooking the steak. Awkward. ANYWAY (sometimes I go off on tangents), please put the steak (while it's still steaming) on top of your bed of medlied (I just made the word up) lettuce, baby tomatoes (if desired), and croutons (come on, who can say no?). Pour your homemade ginger dressing over the top and then throw those green onions on top.

You don't have to throw them. You could dump them or sprinkle them. But I like to throw them. Preferably from across the kitchen, if you have the skill. Which I do. You should have seen me play kickball yesterday, you would have been impressed. Again, that doesn't have much to do with green onions. Kind of though.

Mix it up like an iced drink, and then go find a comfy chair (or stand if you don't have any chairs. Hey, gotta cater to the college kids). I found a comfy chair though. So if I can find one, I have hope that you can find one. Eat your salad and slide into one of those moments where you don't know what's going on around you because all you can think is, "OHHHHHHHH my lanta. This steak is melting in my mouth and the ginger is so delicious and subtle but still so prominent and my mouth is about to explode."

It would be appropriate to listen to Joe Brooks while eating this salad. Oh, you don't know who Joe Brooks is? You, my friend, are missing out. Google that ish.

Marinade -
2 TBSP of soy sauce
1 TBSP of balsamic vinegar
1 clove of garlic, minced
2 TSP of brown sugar
2 TBSP of olive oil
Salad Dressing -
2 TBSP of olive oil
2 TBSP of soy sauce
4 TSP of sugar
1 TBSP of lime juice
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 TBSP of fresh ginger, minced
1/2 whole jalapeño, diced
Salad Ingredients -
Lettuce. Duh.
2 whole green onions.

And in case the instructions above weren't clear enough for you.
1. Put all the marinade ingredients together into a bag. Put the steak in the bag. Close the bag. Let it sit for 30 - 120 minutes. Put the steak in a hot frying pan with some olive oil and grill it to perfection.
2. While steak is grilling, put all the salad dressing ingredients together into a bowl. Stir them.
3. Cut up your green onion.
4. Put it all together.
5. Put it in your mouth.
6. Text me and say, "Like omg thx that dinner wuz tha best."